Food filled between to kill time.

Believe me, I’m missing school.

And weekend seems alot more longer to pass than usual days. But it’s good in one way. Bizzy people gets more rest.  

I’ve one more place in mind to travel to, hopefully when I grow up. Barcelona, town of Buñol in the Valencia region of Spain. Just for the La Tomatina! It will only last for 2 hours. One hour of throwing and the other hour for cleaning. FUN RIGHT! OMG, WHEN WILL THAT DAY EVER COME!?

Snaps back to reality.

I so regret of having the thought that the world will doom at our generation. Please, I hope that never happen now. I still have alot of things undone, alot of places yet to visit. PLEASE, WORLD, DONT END SO SOON. I SO REGRET OF HAVING THAT THOUGHT. I’m going to keep quiet bec I always say the wrong things and regret after doing so. I’m kicking that bad habit away. SO OFF YOU GO BAD MOUTH! *slaps my mouth* 

Look, I’m so sorry and I really regreted.

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