HOWDY! It’s sunday rest day today! As much as I know, Jace’s 21st is coming in a month’s time and being her utmost supportive sisters, we’ve decided to design a bday e-invitation for her so she could email it to her friends! And Ying and I both made ours as shown:

Done by me!

Done by Ying!

HEHEHEHE Jace decided to use Ying’s in the end. Ying said mine looks like those for 1 year old! :8(

Speak no feeling.

Ytd’s paper was……….manageable and everyone screwed the last qns so it’s okay. Felt better. Still, half the notes I’d read did not come out, stuff I didn’t read all came out. So this must be the part and parcel of a student’s life! :/

And I’ve heard about the new itouch….. W/ 2 cameras, and then some!!!!!!!! Oh well! If I could trade at a cheap price I wouldn’t mind….

Can’t wait for exams to be over so I can start my practical lessons!!!! 7 more days till the end! 😀