My Return.

Dear WordPress, a lot has happened since my last post. I have no intention to note down every single thing cos it may take me days and Im not a procrastinator so I may not shower.

Mostly dance related.. like the success of the club’s 2nd production, helping out in dance camp, performing for SIM’s open house, bonding, meeting and making new friends in the club and work stuff like bonding with my colleagues, Lele’s resignation ( 😦 ).. oh! and me getting into advance team! So speaking of which, I had my first advance practice today and it was soooo much fun. Dance is ALWAYS fun. Even though I still suck at it…but I guess what’s important is that we enjoyed what we are doing.

I’ve been dancing so much these days I can really feel my bones breaking and hear my muscles yelling at me to stop putting them through so much pain and horror. I get muscle cramps at peculiar areas recently, such as the right side of my core, my inner thighs and tricep! Never in my entire 22 years of age has such muscle cramps got to me and experiencing it for the first time really caught me off guard. I had such a shock I had to google my situation for remedies. But the silver lining to these cramps was that my muscles are really becoming stronger…however, i still need to take caution.

Have I ever mentioned that dance ALWAYS ALWAYS A L W A Y S clashes with important events in my life? I know, for the record, that I almost always choose dance over the other event. From the top of my mind I can only remember skipping dance for Ying’s birthday celebration (2 years consecutively), ‘cos my er jie’s happiness is more important than anything else. And that’s the only two times I’ve not chosen dance. However, right now dance is about to clash with yet another important event in my life… I know I’ve always chose dance…but this time round it’s different so I need to reconsider. I’ve been thinking hard…

FYI I have an overactive brain. I think about ALL sorts of things that could happen after making my decision. At my level of thinking, I’d probably need to conduct a SWOT analysis soon. But ain’t nobody has time for that. They always say follow your heart…but my heart is a capricious thumping fella. It changes its mind so frequently that my brain just gave up communicating with it.

Passion VS Responsibility. What a tough battle to fight…