Travelling thoughts.

Im currently at Khatib! Love blogging on the go cos time seems to run faster 😉

Im on the way to UNLV interview now, crossing my fingers, hoping everything goes well. Really kinda stuck between which Bachelo degree to cont to pursue… Each course has its pros and cons and there isn’t any strong enough factor that makes one pro outweighs the rest. Big sigh for this dilemma.

Well actually people have been giving me very constructive comments for the two degrees im deciding on but at the end of the day its still me who’s gna make a decision. I usually take up a lot of time to make big decisions and while there is usually an answer in my mind/heart, I just cant see it right now.

This morning I was hoping that the interview would go easy on everyone but right now im just hoping that I WON’T BE LATE.


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I am currently under my student’s block waiting for time to go up cos im early again…

anyway let me tell you that i just had the worst interview of my life ever that i almost hyperventilated. i dieded twice on a prob sum and it was god damn embarrassing for me but i had nowhere to hide so i just had to bit the bullet and carry on till the end of the whole shit. i dont even know why did i sign up for this piece of junk assignment. sighhh.

well glad that its finally over, i had, henceforth, decided that i do not need this kind of stress in my life anymore. ANYMORE. never am i going for this kind of interview again. EVER.

now, its time for my next class. bye.

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This is word of the day frm which I have subscribed to during my o level period in hope that it will improve my poor bank of vocab but the words started to get more chim and less useful in situational writing so I kind of ignored the emails.

So anyway, back to what I wanted to share today.. I gave my P1 student this star shaped sticker on her work done and she was super elated and proud about it she showed it to her family! She fully enacted the kind of response I was hoping to get x 10. I was very excited to give it out also since I only bought it from Popular ytd!

Like her, I am also the kind of student who gets super happy when I get a recognition for my work well done. Stickers and stamps act as a form of motivation for me, even till now this kinda cheap encouragement still spurs me on, and I hope to pass it on to my students to help them bring out their best in their education 😉


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Tale of a lazy person.

So I havent been updating again.

I was at prologue w/ JN earlier today after the a&f interview and I caught sight w/ this really beautiful notebook that I’d have bought it right there and then if it weren’t for the fact that I alr had a similar one at home. It was my 18th bday gift from Rachel and I converted it into my offline diary, since 2 years back on my birthday. I have had less then 40 entries written and that barely took up 1/6 of the number of pages.

Diaries for me, are most of the time “out of sight, out of mind” and I know this a little better than I know that the Earth is round. So I guessed the reason why I havent been updating is also partly because this wordpress app is very well hidden in one of the many folders on my home screen. The next pack of my excuse would be that my laziness overwhelms everything, and anything. I know me best.

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So today,

I danced, but not really. Come to think of it, actually i danced warmed-up. Yeah.

Apparently I realised there are 5 of my immediate friends who will be leaving SGP for Korea this week, and the week after. If only they all knew each other, like OSG, they will be soooo astonished by this coincidence!

Anyway, Sheen is one of my 5 immediate friends who will be going Korea this week. My poor sis is asking me to get Sheen to help her buy some facial product frm Korea, but the issue was that she wants me to pay for her purchase!!!!

I was like, “NOOOOO.”
She was like, “PLEASEEEEE!”

AND I AGREED. I thought I must be outta my mind cos Idk when will she pay me back and I thought it might be a long time frm now cos she is that slow in saving money.

That’s my sister for you.

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